
Dans : Le Bien Cuisiner illustré

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When we talk about spaghetti in terms of molecular gastronomy, we’re unlikely to be thinking about bolognaise sauce.  This spaghetti is created using a combination of gelification techniques and a tool which enables you to form long strings of your recipe, which can then be served as a main course, an accompaniment or a starter.

This recipe for tomato spaghetti would be excellent served with a garlicky chick stew or tagine.  Serve five or six strands of spagetti per person, and arrange the strands on top of the stew for best effect.

Tomato spaghetti with tonka bean

15cl tomato juice
5cl water
1 tonka bean
3g Kappa

  • Mix the water and the tomato juice and add the Kappa
  • Grate a little tonka bean into the mixture (according to taste, but remember that the tonka bean is strongly flavoured)
  • Heat the mixture to 70°C
  • Leave to cool a little and then form your spaghetti using the spaghetto kit